We can ship products anywhere in Malaysia.

When you place an order we will estimate delivery dates based upon the availability of your item(s), and your shipment’s destination.

We are not liable for any delay in delivery by the courier company / postal authorities and only guarantees to hand over the consignment to the courier company or postal authorities within 15 working days from the date of the order and payment or as per the delivery date agreed at the time of order confirmation.

Any damages incurred to the product during transit and as reported by customer will be escalated to shipping partner and resolution as deemed fit by us in the best interest of customer will be communicated to the customer.

Shipping charge would be advised on your final amount of purchase before proceeding with the full transaction. Your order will be delivered via the most suitable carrier, dependent on size and weight.

We welcome international orders, but have no control over the customs charges and duty fees your country will charge, so you will be responsible for those in addition to the shipping costs.

Orders outside Malaysia are shipped via courier services and would take between 5 – 21 working days upon order confirmation.

Please contact us for special shipping requests, including requests for shipping charges and delivery information to destinations outside of Malaysia.

Shipping address cannot be changed once order(s) has been shipped.

Order cannot be cancelled or changed once transaction is being approved.

For items in stock, you shall receive your order in 5-10 working days upon order confirmation.

If your ordered items are not delivered later than 21 days, please contact our Customer Service quoting your order reference contained in your Order Confirmation Email.

In the event of any unsuccessful delivery of the goods due to unattended receiver at the time of delivery, or inaccurate and incomplete address, additional deliver charges may apply.

Cape Cod Polish Malaysia shall not responsible for shipping charges of returned packages due to missing or wrong information.